Sunday, October 07, 2007

I've done some scrappin...

Thought it was time to share them.... The photos are not the best, as I was trying to avoid the flash, but gave up at the end anyway!

So, I've done 2 posts today, I must be bored! LOL but seriously I've just been doing some spring cleaning and trying to catch up and put things away, and also Mark was sick this morning, and I couldn't refuse the opportunity to get out the front and do some spring cleaning, so I ended up cleaning up all the cobwebs, the spiders and etc and sprayed it all with outdoor Cintrollea so in the future when we turn the lights on outside, it won't all be covered with mozzies and spiders and cobwebs! But boy did that wear me out... and then ended up crashing on the sofa and watching Bathurst 1000 all day!!! But at least I got to put my feet up at the end.

Tyler is still on one more week of holidays. I'm trying to plan something for every day, just to keep him out of mischief and stop him from saying "I've got no one to play with" but seriously, he's got things to do once he has distracted himself. He got into his transformer box and he's been playing with them for nearly 3 to 4 hours. Amazing what he can do once he has got himself focus on this but poor Mark and I, we've been building them all afternoon too!! But he's happy and content with it at the moment.

Well must go now and help prepare dinner.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Lovely scrapping shares Jenelle! Sounds like you're "nesting" too! LOL I was obsessive when pregnant with my munchkins! *grin*

Rest up, won't be long now til your baby girl is here to keep you even busier.

Love Chrissy x