Saturday, December 08, 2007

December 6th .... Perth Heat Baseball

We were given some free tickets to go and watch the Perth Heat v's NSW Baseball team.

I can't say that I was thrilled with going, just hoping that Mark would take the boys, considering the weather wasn't the best, but everyone wanted me to come! So, ended up going, and I really enjoyed it. I've never watched the Perth Heat before, and considering that they are only just down the road from us, we might be making a few more appearances. The boys got free "Perth Heats" hats, and after the match had finished, there were allowed on to the pitch to meet the players and get their autographs.

The boys really enjoyed themselves, and Brandan even managed to get a hit out ball. You get to keep these balls, so he was thrilled with it. Perth Heat won 1 - 0, they got the run on the last inning.

The weather was windy, but Lucia was snuggled warm in the pram. Lucky her really... she had a feed at 8pm, and was just happy to stay in the pram.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

December 4th ... Child Health Nurse

Well, the time has certainly gone by too fast, and now Lucia is six weeks old. Where has the last six weeks gone?

So, it turns out to be that she is definately suffering from colic. Poor girl.. no wonder sometimes I really struggle with her in the evenings. But it will get worst before it gets better! I'll hang in there I guess....

She is now just under 5kgs, so she's doing really well. Got good head support, and also pushing herself along the floor when she has tummy time. Am struggling to get her to have good sleeps during the day, due to colic, but I just have to keep on trying.... I'll be right, is my motto!

After this, we all then went into St John of Gods in Subi to visit a good friend. About six of us went, and ended up buying lunch in the cafe of the hopsital and having a cafe style lunch with her. She didn't want to miss out on our xmas lunch, so we decided to have it with her. She was stoked that we all went..... as she's been really missing her twin boys and been a bit lonely too, as her husband works three days away, 1 day home, so he's been away while we visit.

December 3rd .. Meeting great grandparents for 1st time...

My Grandparents were in Perth for a few days from the country. They were dying to see and meet "Little Lucia", so we went over there for tea for that night, along with my cousin.

It was a good night, and they were both thrilled with Lucia. She was such a pleasant baby that night and wide awake and alert. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos of her with my Pop, but managed to get one good one with my Nan. We had dinner, while Lucia was fast sleep in the rocker so it was a relaxing night with them. Tyler even went for a swim in the pool as my Dad had to get some leaves out, so Tyler jumped in there with him. It was certainly not pool weather, but nothing stops Tyler from jumping in the pool.

They had no plans of coming to Perth for Christmas, but now they have changed their mind, so they get to share with us, Lucia's first Christmas. How sweet is this.

2nd December .. Cooking ..

Once again, it was just the two of us... now whats next on the Christmas List that needs to be done! I was not allowed to do what I wanted to do, I had to do something with Tyler!

So, he wanted to do some cooking!! What? Hello? I don't hear this from him very often! So, in order to make something, I had to go to the shops, and he hates going to the shops. But in order to do some cooking, I needed some ingredients. So lucky Lucia was still awake, went up to the local IGA and managed to get everything we needed.

So, after feeding Lucia and putting her down for her nap, we made some Choc Truffle Balls, and some caramel slice. While we were down at IGA they had some noodle boxes, so brought some of these, and made three of these for Tyler's Pre Primary teachers, all with hand made tags and etc ( I forgot to get some photos of these ), as I made some Xmas cards, using felt for the xmas tree on the card. There was not much left over after we nibbled on them, gave some to Mark and Tyler for morning tea. So, due to popularity, I've been requested to double the double receipe! I've had a request from the teachers for the receipe for the caramel slice. Its such a easy receipe and it never lasts very long in our family.

1st December ... Xmas Tree ...

I know I'm behind already! But I've made a deal with myself to update my BLOG on a regular basis during December, so I can keep a track of what is going on....

My husband went to a work party on Saturday night, so I took the opportunity to spend some real quality time with Tyler while Lucia was asleep. So, we decided to put up the Christmas Tree and watch Deck the halls DVD.. what a great night it was! And drinking pretend xmas drinks and eating xmas lollies. Tyler really enjoyed it.

He put up the Christmas Tree with such pride... taking time to figure out where all the branches go, as you have to read the letters. So, after all the branches where on, he then took the time to put up the tinsel, then the decorations and then I helped him put the lights on.

We were doing this from 7.30pm till about 11pm, and at about 10pm, he said, this doesn't look like a Christmas Tree.... its go no presents! So, managed to find a few presents to wrap up and put under the tree and then he was rapt. He eventually went to bed, dreaming about Christmas!

I didn't even take any photos of this... I was disappointed, but I am sure I'll remember this night for a while, just precious time between Mother and Son.