Thursday, December 06, 2007

December 3rd .. Meeting great grandparents for 1st time...

My Grandparents were in Perth for a few days from the country. They were dying to see and meet "Little Lucia", so we went over there for tea for that night, along with my cousin.

It was a good night, and they were both thrilled with Lucia. She was such a pleasant baby that night and wide awake and alert. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos of her with my Pop, but managed to get one good one with my Nan. We had dinner, while Lucia was fast sleep in the rocker so it was a relaxing night with them. Tyler even went for a swim in the pool as my Dad had to get some leaves out, so Tyler jumped in there with him. It was certainly not pool weather, but nothing stops Tyler from jumping in the pool.

They had no plans of coming to Perth for Christmas, but now they have changed their mind, so they get to share with us, Lucia's first Christmas. How sweet is this.

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