Thursday, December 06, 2007

2nd December .. Cooking ..

Once again, it was just the two of us... now whats next on the Christmas List that needs to be done! I was not allowed to do what I wanted to do, I had to do something with Tyler!

So, he wanted to do some cooking!! What? Hello? I don't hear this from him very often! So, in order to make something, I had to go to the shops, and he hates going to the shops. But in order to do some cooking, I needed some ingredients. So lucky Lucia was still awake, went up to the local IGA and managed to get everything we needed.

So, after feeding Lucia and putting her down for her nap, we made some Choc Truffle Balls, and some caramel slice. While we were down at IGA they had some noodle boxes, so brought some of these, and made three of these for Tyler's Pre Primary teachers, all with hand made tags and etc ( I forgot to get some photos of these ), as I made some Xmas cards, using felt for the xmas tree on the card. There was not much left over after we nibbled on them, gave some to Mark and Tyler for morning tea. So, due to popularity, I've been requested to double the double receipe! I've had a request from the teachers for the receipe for the caramel slice. Its such a easy receipe and it never lasts very long in our family.

1 comment:

Susan C said...

Your recipes sounds yummy. No wonder you were asked to double the double recipe.