Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just thought to share.....

and say "Thanks" to everyone who has emailed me privated and congratulated me. But please leave your comments on the BLOG, so I know who visit and who doesn't! This is a such a clear picture of the little one that I am expecting.

I also got two big sheets (same as x-ray sheets) of various images of "Squishy" that its got this nickname now, after my Mum called it the other day. I was disappointed that out of about 40 images, they only put 3 of these on the CD. But this one is the best.


Mish said...

Congrats again Jenelle, and what a fantastic US pic...

xxx Mish

Susan C said...

Its still a great photo of Squishy that I hope you are going to scrap for "his" album.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jenelle. That's a fantastic scan. So clear. Mine were all blobs and blurs. I'm glad they know what they're looking at.
Anyway- take care of yourself and 'squishy' and good luck with everything.

Vikki xoxo

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your news Jenelle! How wonderful and I hope all goes well for the remainder of your pregnancy.

Happy Belated Birthday too. I hope you were spoilt rotten.
