Holidays is over...
Holidays is again over!
Though it was kinda sad to see Tyler go back to school, as I really did enjoy my holidays with him. I think its because its going to be the last holidays that I really can get to enjoy with him before the 2nd one arrives. As next school holidays I'll be around 36/37 weeks pregnant.
We did so much in such a short time, that I made sure that we had something to do almost every day. During the second week, Mark was off on holidays, so on the Tuesday we went down to Rockingham and had lunch on the foreshore, beaut day for it. After lunch we all went for a walk down the foreshore while the boys were playing on the play equipment, swings and just being boys. After that, went for a drive alone the foreshore, called into some place for a ice cream and then headed for home.
Wednesday Mark spent most of the day installing the patio, so the boys were quiet happy to play out the front for the day. Mum called in and dropped of the dog, as she is heading up to Broome & Darwin for 3 weeks on their business tour coach. Thursday the weather was just shocking, so it was a good relaxing day at home where the boys just played the PS2, watched DVD's, and also did a paper mache with a balloon. After it popping so many times when they were doing it, I eventually started it off. I even made my own glue using water and flour! Just found the receipe on the internet.
On Friday the weather came up good, so we decided to head into the city and go to the museum in Northbridge. So, we caught the train in (when was the last time we did this...) and Tyler just loved the train ride! We must have spent about 3 hours in the museum, as the boys just loved it, so much to see and do.
After spending all this time in the museum, it was nice to step outside into some fresh air and get away from all that chit chatter of the other kids. It was also amazing to see all these kids running around inside... I guess some parents and kids just don't show any respect for the muesum or the heritage of it. We grabbed some lunch, did little shopping and then jumped back on to the train and headed back for home. That night we decided to head to Brooklands Pub with the two boys, and surprisely they both loved it. Might become a regular occurance now, as the boys like going to the pub and chatting and playing with other kids.
Went to Auskick on Sunday for Tyler's football. Another shocking weather on Sunday, but I finally managed to grab some photos, they are not the best, but I guess I just have to keep on trying. Its just so wet and windy, and I'm trying to get some action photos but its getting hard when I don't know how to use the sports settings on my camera! Help Help

Sounds like you had a great holiday.
fantastic holidays Jenelle, i'm really envious, Conor and i had to cancel our mid year holiday as i had to do end of financial year
so sad, i'm really looking forward to a good break
Tyler looks gorgoeus in his Auskick uniform sucha cutie
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