Holidays is over...

Posted by
12:24 PM
Well... well... now I'm outnumbered!!! I always have been... so I guess that doesn't really matter does it!
But thats okay really!! As the one on the couch in Simpsons PJ's has recently had his plaster off his foot, so he's not really allowed to be active! That suits the other two quiet happy!!!
Yesterday, the boys were playing out the front, and they decided to play water BOMBS.. in this weather, I thought they had to be crazy! But yep, that is excatly what they did!! Told them not to come to me if they got wet, but no.. they were really happy running around with two girls from across the road!! At the end, they ended up coming in for a early "BLUE" bath...
Posted by
9:41 AM
Time for another update!
Whats been happening... hmm nothing much really but but but I know its time for me to update!
On Monday I had another scrapbooking friend over for the day. what a great day it was.. seeing all three boys play so nicely together. I managed to complete 2 layouts - you read that right, complete two layouts, so I was happy. And I just have to put tape on the painted letters, and then I'll take a photo of it and share.
On Tuesday just hanged around for the morning, and then Tyler and i ended up going to Mum's for lunch, as Tyler wanted to spend some time with my father, before he heads up north again for work. So, had lunch, and then went to Tyler's nathropath appointment, and it all went well, and now they have put him on some broccli drops, which is suppose to make the airways alot clearer. He's been a asthmetic since about 18 months ago, but he doesn't have as no where near as many attacks now as I have taken him off alot of foods, putted him on soy milk, and he's taking magnesium tablets, but he might have the occassional espisode of wheezing, but nothing more then that.
On Wednesday, had to cancel mothers group at the last minute. Too many of the kids where sick with the flu so decided to cancel it all together and wait until everyone is well. It kinda worked out well, as my sister emailed me, and asked me to look after her boy for 2 nights and 2 days. Brilliant.. that will keep Tyler out of mischief!
So, now today is Thursday.. and its been such a nice and relaxing morning. They played the PS2 for a while this morning, and then we went outside for a walk near the new estate.. home for lunch as nachoes, and then we went down to the park and we've just got back! They are now having a ice cream and playing Chess. So relaxing isn't it.
Pregnancy is going really well... now nearly 23 weeks, and a lovely lady on eBay sent me some maternity pants, so its so much more comfortable wearing something that fits, rather then jeans or tracksuit pants! Its just so hard to try and find maternity clothes now. Might be searching on eBay more often now! So, this lady on eBay said she only worn them once, and I even offered to pay them, but she refuse. I got her address on the envelope so will send her a RAK, as they fit me (slightly too big... but but I've still got another 16 weeks to go).
Just sharing some photos....
Posted by
2:35 PM