Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tassie Deb visit WA!!!

Well, the day was great! We started at 10am for morning tea, which then turned into lunch, and I left at 2pm as had to go and drop my son off at my sisters place... so I am sure they were still there till it closed.

If I am correct (WA Girls let me know if I am not) it was probably a first meet for the WA version of the Aussie Layouts to meet. What a great morning we had....

So.. in the photo is Tassie Deb, Marg, Lyn, Tyler with his Richmond Teddie called Richie, Me (Jenelle), Nicole Beltane, Vikki with her 6 month old son Connor, Michelle, and Anna.

I'm sure now that we've met, we've got to know each other a bit more now, we've exchanged phone numbers and I'm sure we will be in touch!

I think Anna or Michelle have got some more funny photos to share.... stupid me.. was soo prepared for today as in the camera department, fully charged battery, get there to take photos of tyler and it was grrr that I forgot the memory cards, so lucky I had my small portable camera in my bag, so I had to use this. Next time someone says remember to charge batteries, how about saying and check your memory cards! Now I have put them both in the camera for next time. So, I'm sure we will be getting more photos to share in the next few more days from our meet with Tassie Deb.

So, many thanks to Mish for organizing the day.... just needs to a be a longer day so we get the chance to chat more, and also to Tassie Deb for visiting the West! Also to some of the girls that travelled the distance, it was certainly worth it to visit us all, we must do it again.

1 comment:

cassandra cusack said...

looks like a brilliant day Jenelle, pleased you had such a lovely time