Its nearly Christmas......
She was on a very demanding feeding schedule just prior to last weekend (17 & 18th November), feeding almost every 2 to 2.5 hrs. So, I said to Mum I can't keep on doing this, so she offered to help me out, as everytime I picked her up, she just wanted a feed. So, over the weekend managed to stretch out her feeds to 3.5 to 4 hrs. Night times are still a bit of a problem, but we will have to work on that bit.
I took her up to the chemist to get her weight checked and was absoutly shocked, that she is now weighing in at 10lb 3oz! So, as the clinic sister said, she can definately go on 4 hrly feeds. So, will take her in again next week to see how she is going with going on 4 hrly feeds.
She's starting to be alert more often, following our hands with her eyes, and just taking in the surroundings. Loves being on the beds (this could be due to we have no carpets in the house), and stares for ages at bright coloured walls. I really enjoyed the time she was awake last night, starting to grasp for things, and also we all went for a walk / ride around the block.
I don't seem to have much luck with photographing the 3 of them together!!!! These are some of their attempts... but they are both determined to get the correct one!
We are forecasting a hot weekend, but we've really got nothing much planned. Taking it easy until things start to get hetic over the next few more weekends!!!
Am heading over to the scrapbooking shop today! I am so missing it, and want to get into the Christmas Spirits with the kids too. So, thought to make something with them....