Well, the questions certainly haven't stopped now! How much more longer to go.. when is it due? So, I must have really popped out in the last week or so, for people to asking me when is it due!
Even the boys are in question mode too... but there's are alot more complex! Oh geez Tyler is only 5 and already asking "Who is going to look after Toby?" Huh.. he is a dog, and I am sure he can just live his normal life! Are we still going to get to play Tee ball? Do training? geez relax boys I am sure we can work all this out when the time comes!
Had Tee Ball on the weekend. It was a wet and cold morning, but it was just windy, rain and then a bit of sun, so it wasn't too bad at all. Tyler really enjoys Tee ball, and just really picked up on it so he was happy when they won once again! 23 to 21. Will share some photos, just hope blogger is nice to me today.

It was our "Wedding Anniversary" on the 18th October, and guess who forgot! ME ME.. so its definately my pregnancy hormones, as I'm always the one to remember! Was gobsmacked when my hubby of 4 years brought home these lovely bunch of roses as he is usually the one to forget! So, we decided to head to Sizzlers for tea, as the boys have been wanting to go there for ages, and it was a lovely meal.

After dinner, putted the boys to bed, Mark actually confessed to me, that someone reminded him! Grrrr.. but anyway, its the thoughts that count isn't it. But there was also a lovely message in the card, about the upcoming birth, which I thought was really sweet of him.
Then yesterday, 21st October, it was Mark's birthday... he finally got the Yo Yo case that he has been dreaming of for so long, so I will take a photo of this once Mark has got all of his collection of Coca Cola Yo Yo's in it. He's been collecting these for as long as I have known him, and he's been wanting to be able to display his favourite collection, but to find a yo yo display case, I had to ask someone personally. So, I finally got around to asking a good friend of ours, and he made one for us for me to give him, and then he gave him one for his birthday, so he got two after all. Was happy with the presents. Went into Fremantle to grab some fish and chips, went into spotlight, priceline to grab a few things, then had a ice cream and then home. So, was a good day out, and the boys were brilliant, and also good chance to catch up with Mum too.
Well, I guess I must sign off and cut this short to go and put the load on the line before I go and pick up the boys from school.