I know.. I know.. its been ages since I've updated my BLOG.. but for me to sit on the computer at the moment, isn't really appealing, tend to be spending alot of time with either the kids or just trying to keep up with the blast of the housework.
Thought it was time I got updated a bit, so I will post a few entries today, as so much as happened since!
Firstly... we took the plunge and went up north with my Mum to catch up with some of her family for a week. I so thoroughly enjoyed the week, just so eye catching for Tyler too, as he's at the age now of really understanding who is who, and how everyone is related! But boy, did he have some questions for us all....
Before we left on the Monday, Tyler had a bit of a bad night on the Sunday night. So, here I was debating on wether we should take the plunge and continue the trip with Mum.. but he was crying that he still wanted to go... so ended up going. Woke up on Monday with a high temperature, vomitting and dirrehea, but we still ended up going, and Mum was really good with him too.
Firstly, we went to Geraldton, where we spend two nights there. We caught up with my Grandfather (which is my Mum's Dad), it was nice to see him, as the only chance we get to see him, is when we go there to visit him. He was so good. Really amazed me, considering he is in his 80's now, living alone, with the help of Silver Chain. He adored being with Tyler, and did try to please Tyler most ways.

After having two nights here, we then progressed on to Three Springs, which is where I grew up and spend 17 years of my life here, stayed the night with my Dad's parents, which are still really well, but are showing signs of early alzheimer's, so they are both currently trying to get treatment for this. But other then that, Tyler had a blast, playing with Pop and the pool table.
After this, we then progressed on to Perejori, which is where my Mum spend all of her growing years on the farm, before she moved to Three Springs and married my dad. We stayed at my Aunty's farm, and Tyler just had a blast. He certainly didn't want to go home either! I must share some photos here thou.

So, after 6 nights away, we unfortunately had to return back home to return to the normal every day lifestyle!!! Tyler was devasted when he left for home, so when we left, my aunty said to me "you know you are welcome back here anytime" and I didn't relize that Tyler was listening, and he said "Yep for sure I'm coming back!" So, isn't it nice to be able to to take the kids on a holiday and not spend any money!