Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Harmony Day at School

It was dress up day for Harmony Day at Campbell Primary School.

After a lot of debating, and also trying to teach the boys that you can find a costume at home without having to go and spend the $$$, it turned out that they wanted to go and represent their own country! How sweet is this.... so I remembered that we had the Aussie T-shirts, and baclava's from Aussie Day when we went to Moore River. So, lucky with that, denim shorts, thongs, and some face drawings, it came up brilliant! I have attached a photo for those of you who want a sneek peak.

How sweet is this photo!! **GRIN** The boys also thought it was very cheeky of me what I did too!

Monday, March 19, 2007

My weekend....

Time to update again girls!!

Had a brilliant scrapbooking weekend! I had a friend who came over and scrapped to our hearts contents. We scrapped from 7pm till 1.30am on Friday night, it was just brilliant, the boys and the hubby were all just brilliant. We then woke up the next morning and started scrapbooking again from about 8am, eating and drinking on the go! Really enjoyed it, and was good to get some layouts out of the way. I will share them here hopefully Blogger will let me.

Had to go to a baby shower on Saturday afternoon.. it was okay, thought we were going there for some fun and games, but as it turned out it wasn't.. just a catch up, eat and drink! From 2pm till 5pm, so we both said we should have stayed home and did some scrapbooking, but guess that wasn't the case!

Had mexican for tea that night... Fiona and Faith ended up staying for tea, so had a lot of passing down the table of all the lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, sauce, sour cream and etc, but it all worked out well in the end! The three of us then did more scrapbooking till about 12 pm that night, so it was good... just wish we could do it more often, so we are hoping to catch up!

Here is three of the layouts I did over the weekend... I have got a few more, but have not yet finished them.

Away from the scrapbooking news... this is how I found my son Tyler on Saturday night. He was complaining it was hot, and blaa blaa, but none of us found it that hot!! So... here it is...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tyler Merit Award

Well, nothing much has really been happening this week.

On Monday I was rostered on to do Pre Primary Parent Duty. What a morning it was! i was just swamped with kids, some of them I knew, some of them I didn't! They were all over me.. it was kinda cute, and I really enjoyed it. I just had to monitor their computer use, and make sure they all knew how to use the mouse correctly. Tyler just thoroughly enjoyed having me there, so for sure, I'll be on the roster again before I know it.

Also, on the same day, I was told that Tyler would be getting a Merit Certificate. Me just like any other mother was just thrilled and so happy for him, but I didn't know what he was getting it for. So, the keen mother with scrapbooking in her mind, goes down for the assembly (it was a riding day at school, so had to ride my bike back to school at 1pm in time for the assembly (HOT HOT)) with the camera in the hand, battery fully charged and also of course a memory card. Hubby ended up meeting me there, he didn't have any delivery runs on (lucky him), so we were both able to be there to watch him get his first Merit Certificate. When they called out his name, his teacher told him, Tyler get up and get your certificate, and he said, no there must be another Tyler Macri here.. and she was trying to tell him to get up and get his certificate!! He was shocked I think. So, He got the merit certificate for "The Wonderful way you told news, great speaking". So, he was happy with it I am sure. (he's the little one... )

But on the down side, there teacher is pregnant and leaving on Friday. He certainly isn't looking forward to saying good bye to her, she's such a lovely teacher.. He comes home from school every day counting down the days till they say good bye to her. Will for sure buy her a little farewell present for her.

Had to go to Mum's today to make something like 120 green lamingtons for St Patricks Day, as they are doing a trip tmrw on the coaches going to Irish venues for lunch, Irish pub in the afternoon for a friday afternoon beer and etc. So, was glad to see all the lamingtons green and not white anymore!

Have got a scrapbooking night planned with a girlfriend this Friday night.. Can't wait! I just want to get back into scrapbooking!! Been so long since I've completed one, so hopefully I can share some then. And then she is sleeping over, and then going to a baby shower on Saturday afternoon.

Well must sign off.. this is longer then I thought it would be.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hat Trick

I just pinched this from Jody's Blog... Thanks

The trick is, everything has to be a three word answer.1.

Where is your cell phone? in my bag
2. Boyfriend? Am now married
3. Hair? On my head!
4. Your mother? Lives in Perth.
5. Your father? Lives with Mum.
6. Your favorite item(s)? My scrapbooking room!.
7. Your dream last night? Way too scary!.
8. Your favorite drink? Kahlua with milk
9. Your dream guy? Huh, My hubby!
10. The room you are in? The computer room.
11. Your fear? The kids future.
12. What do you want to be in 10 years? Travelling! I wish.
13. Who did you hang out with last night? Hubby & boys
14. What are you not? skinny & rich
15. Are you in love? Always will be
16. One of your wish list items? Long Family Holiady
17. What time is it? 5 to 2pm
18. The last thing you did? Get gas bottle.
19. What are you wearing? Shorts, shirt, shoes.
20. Your favorite book? Magazines thats life
21. The last thing you ate? Spegetti on toast.
22. Your life? Always be same
23. Your mood? Happy, Happy, Happy
24. Your friends? Alround the place
25. What are you thinking about right now? Is dinner ready.
26. Your car? Toyota landcruizer Bundera
27. What are you doing at this moment? Sitting on bum!!
28. Your summer? Prefer cold nights
29. Your relationship status? Married 3 years.
30. What is on your TV screen? Nothing! Dont need.
31. When is the last time you laughed? On the weekend
32. Last time you cried? Hmm can't remember.
33. School? it was okay

Thanks Jody for this.. something different, had to think of my answers in a different way!
